Sunday – October 13, 2024
‘Part Five: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Part Five: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Part Four: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Jesus’ Farewell Speech in John: The Advocate’ by Rev. Melissa Conway
Water- A Christian Perspective by Jagdish Narayan- A Hindu Perspective by Sarwan Narayan
‘Part Three: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Science and Religion’ by Dr. Stephen Wanyonyi, Chaplain Coordinator, University of Southern Queensland
‘Science and Religion from a Christadelphian Perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Science and Religion from a Christian Perspective’ The Right Reverend Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region
‘Part Two: The Christadelphians and their beliefs’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘The Gift of Faith’ by Anjum Anwar MBE, Trustee, Christian Muslim Forum, United Kingdom
‘Part One: The Christadelphians and their beliefs’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Working together for God’ by Reverend Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary Queensland Churches Together
‘Grace’ by John Agnew, Chair of the TIWG, Uniting Church Representative
'Stories from the Christian traditions on the benefits of Meditation' by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Mountain-Top Experiences’ by Reverend Melissa Conway, an Anglican priest based at Saint Anne's Church in Highfields Toowoomba
‘Forgiveness’ by Reverend Heather Griffin, Secretary of the Uniting Church Queensland Synod Interfaith Relationships Committee (SIRC)
‘Perfect Love’ by John Agnew, Chair of the TIWG, Uniting Church Representative
‘Role of Women in Islam’ by Mukminah Abdul Razak’
‘A Debt of Love’ by Rev. Melissa Conway, an Anglican priest based at Saint Anne's Church in Highfields Toowoomba
‘Peace’ By John Agnew, Chair of TIWG and Downs and Toowoomba Churches Together
Peace Conference 2023 - Presentation by Sister Veronica, The Abbey St. Michael's
‘A Story of Light and Love’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘The Importance of Teaching Our Young Children’ by Evelyn Ray, Communications Director, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Ipswich West, Toowoomba and Warwick regions
‘Bringing Respect into the Family’ by Brother Steve Smith, The Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Life of Christ (Part 21)- Jesus home in Bethany by Jagdish Narayan
by John Agnew, Chair of Downs and Toowoomba Churches Together
Plenary VI: Role of Leaders in pandemic– An International Perspective from the Board of Advisors Pure Land Learning College
Toowoomba Interfaith Working Group (TIWG)
Christian Science-Edwina Aubin
Hindu Community-Sarwan Narayan
Quakers-Taisoo Kim Watson
Interfaith Insights to the Global Pandemic Plenary II: Blame Game I
Speaker: Scott McDougall – Commissioner Queensland Human Rights Commission
Interfaith Insights to the Global Pandemic Plenary I: Suffering, Death, and Dying
Bishop Cameron Venables – Anglican Bishop Western Region, Queensland
‘Hope’ by John Agnew, Chair of Downs and Toowoomba Churches Together
‘Kindness - Be Ye Kind One to another’ by Evelyn Ray, Director of Public Affairs, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ipswich Australia West Stake
‘The Generosity of the Sower’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Code of Conduct from a Catholic Perspective’ by Nicole Rangiira, Pastoral Care in Health Care
‘Art of Listening’ by Dr. Uma Kumar, Trainer, Heartfulness Toowoomba
‘Having Doubts’ by John Agnew, Past Chair of Uniting Church Presbytery of the Downs
‘Serving Humanity Beyond the Boundaries of Faith’ by The Revd Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary, Queensland Churches Together
‘Jesus Sending out Apostles and Taking up the Cross From Christadelphian beliefs & perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘In our prayer and in our work’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Women of Faith: Relief Society’ by Damien Vesnaver, and Karn Antuar Leaders of the Relief Society Organization in the region
‘Part Eighteen- The Parable of Jesus from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Blessed to be a blessing’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Power in Family History’ by Evelyn Ray, Communications Director,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Ipswich West, Toowoomba, and Warwick regions
‘Awareness’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Being good from a Unitarian Perspective’ by Reverend Jed Perkins, Minister Emeritus of Unitarian Church
‘Part Seventeen- The Parable of Jesus from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ by John Agnew, Chair of Downs and Toowoomba Churches Together
‘Forgiveness’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘The Significance of Easter’ by Evelyn Ray, Communications Director, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Ipswich West, Toowoomba, and Warwick regions
‘A Right Relationship with the Planet and its Peoples’ by Dr. David King, Senior Lecturer,
Primary Care Clinical Unit, The University of Queensland and Member of Queensland Quakers
‘A Story of Light and Love’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
Part Sixteen: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective by Jagdish Narayan
‘The Importance of Teaching Our Young Children’ by Evelyn Ray, Communications Director,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Ipswich West, Toowoomba, and Warwick regions
‘Part Fifteen: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Christmas 2020: Light The World One-By-One Showing Goodwill Towards Each Other’
by Evelyn Ray, Director of Public Affairs, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ipswich Australia West Stake
‘Deeds and Practices from a Unitarian Perspective’ by Reverend Jed Perkins, Minister Emeritus of Unitarian ChurchHost – Reverend Jed Perkins
Part Fifteen: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective by Jagdish Narayan
‘In Our End is Our Beginning’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Basis of Free Speech’ by Reverend Jed Perkins, Minister Emeritus of Unitarian Church
‘Bicentennial of Joseph Smith's First Vision’ by Evelyn Ray, Director of Public Affairs,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ipswich Australia West Stake
‘Serving Others Beyond the Boundaries of Faith’ by John Agnew, Chair of Downs and Toowoomba Churches Together
‘The Ordinary Giants of The Bible’ by Dr. Stephen Wanyonyi, Chaplain Coordinator, University of Southern Queensland
‘Meditation from a Medical Perspective’ by Dr. Uma Kumar, Practicing GP in Toowoomba
‘Part Thirteen: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
Part Six: Christianity 360 by The Right Reverend Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region
Faith – A Source of Strength in a Challenging World by John Agnew, Chair of Downs and Toowoomba Churches Together
Part Twelve: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Hope in a Time of Crisis’ by
The Revd Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary, Queensland Churches Together
‘Living Hope’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
life's Equations’ by Dr. Stephen Wanyonyi, Chaplain Coordinator, University of Southern Queensland
‘Part Eleven: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Paradox of Freedom and Sovereignty’
by Dr. Stephen Wanyonyi, Chaplain Coordinator, University of Southern Queensland
‘Bible and its teaching on Compassion’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘The Significance of Easter’ by John Agnew, Chair of Downs and Toowoomba Churches Together
‘Part Ten: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘My understanding of God from a Christian Perspective’ by John Agnew, Chair of Downs and Toowoomba Churches Together
‘Knowledge and Understanding must be Accompanied by Compassion’
by The Revd Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary, Queensland Churches Together
‘Living into Uncertainty’ by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Graciousness’ by Evelyn Ray, Director of Public Affairs,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ipswich Australia West Stake
‘Poetry as an aid to compassion’
by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Part Eight: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Part Five: Christianity 360’
by The Right Reverend Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region
‘Ministering’ by Evelyn Ray, Director of Public Affairs,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ipswich Australia West Stake
‘Part Seven: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Part Four: Christianity 360’ by
The Right Reverend Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region
Part One:
‘Q&A Conversation with the Toowoomba Interfaith Working Group’ chaired by
Bishop Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region,
Chair of Toowoomba Interfaith Working Group
‘Pentecostal 2019’
by John Agnew, Chair of Downs and Toowoomba Churches Together
‘We are One, but We are Many?’ by Bishop Cameron Venables,
Anglican Bishop for the Western Region, Chair of Toowoomba Interfaith Working Group
‘Part Five: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘The Easter story’,
Past Chair of Uniting Church Presbytery of the Downs
‘Part Three: Christianity 360’
by The Right Reverend Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region
‘Code of Conduct from a LDS Perspective’
by Evelyh Ray, Director of Public Affairs,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ipswich West Australia Stake
‘Decisions and Prayer’
by Reverend Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary Queensland Churches Together
‘The parable of the lost sheep; how God finds us, cares for us and rejoices’
by Nicole Rangiira, Pastoral Care in Health Care
‘Part Four: How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Love: The Biblical perspective’
by Dr. Stephen Wanyonyi, Chaplain Coordinator, University of Southern Queensland
‘Part Two: Christianity 360’
by The Right Reverend Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region
‘Part One: Christianity 360’
by The Right Reverend Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region
‘Science and Religion from a Quaker Perspective’
by Taisoo Kim Watson, Clerk, Queensland Quakers
‘A Journey from Self-Hatred: Learning to Love’
by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Part Three:
How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Part Two:
How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Part One:
How We See the Life of Jesus Christ from the Christadelphian perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Christmas 2018’
by John Agnew, Past Chair of Uniting Church Presbytery of the Downs
by The Reverend Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary, Queensland Churches Together
‘Bringing Respect Into Spouse Relationships’
by Brother Steve Smith, The Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
“A Beginner’s Journey: Learning to Listen”
by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Science and Religion’
by Dr. Stephen Wanyonyi, Chaplain Coordinator, University of Southern Queensland
‘Science and Religion from a Christadelphian Perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Science and Religion from a Christian Perspective’
The Right Reverend Cameron Venables,
Anglican Bishop for the Western Region
'Stories from the Christian traditions on the benefits of Meditation'
by Anne-Marie Doecke, Christian Meditation Community
‘Code of Conduct from a Yogic Perspective’
by Dr Uma Kumar, Trainer, Heartfulness Toowoomba
‘Bringing Respect into the Family’
by Brother Steve Smith,
The Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
‘Code of Conduct from a Muslim Perspective’
by Syed Ghazaly Syed Agil, President,
Islamic Interfaith and Multicultural Association of Toowoomba Inc.
‘Code of Conduct from a Quaker Perspective’
by Taisoo Kim Watson, Clerk, Queensland Quakers
‘Code of Conduct from a Christian Perspective’
by Reverend Canon Richard Tutin,
General Secretary Queensland Churches Together
‘Code of Conduct from a Christian Perspective’
Dr Stephen Wanyonyi,
Chaplain Coordinator, University of Southern Queensland
‘Code of Conduct from a Christadelphian Perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Code of Conduct from a Spiritualist Perspective’
by Reverend Dorothy Woodside,
Minister of the Toowoomba Spiritualist Church
‘Code of Conduct from a Catholic Perspective’
by Nicole Rangiira, Pastoral Care in Health Care
‘Having Doubts’
by John Agnew, Past Chair of Uniting Church Presbytery of the Downs
Part Two: Unconference Dialogue on
‘Serving Humanity Beyond the Boundaries of Faith’,
chaired by Dr Joseph Paul Ozawa,
Clinical Psychologist Asian American Christian Counseling Service, Inc.
‘Part Two: The Christadelphians and their beliefs’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Serving Humanity Beyond the Boundaries of Faith’ by
John Agnew, Past Chair of Uniting Church Presbytery of the Downs
‘Serving Humanity Beyond the Boundaries of Faith’ by
The Revd Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary, Queensland Churches Together
‘Are Religion and Culture Sources of Strength in Today’s Society?’
by Most Reverend Robert M McGuckin, Catholic Bishop of Toowoomba
'The significance of Ancestral Remembrance Ceremonies from the Catholic Perspective'
by Reverend Zhou Jingxun
'The significance of Ancestral Remembrance Ceremonies from the Lutheran Perspective'
by Reverend Martin Yee
‘Religion and Spirituality in the 21st Century’
by Associate Professor Keith Thompson, Associate Professor of Law and
the Associate Dean at the Sydney School of Law, University of Notre Dame
‘Identifying and Promoting Universal Principles and Values’
by Rt Rev'd Professor Stephen Pickard,
Assistant Bishop in the Canberra-Goulburn Diocese,
and Executive Director of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture
‘Strengthening Communities Through Religious and Cultural Understanding’
by Bishop Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region,
Chair of Toowoomba Interfaith Working Group
Ancestral Remembrance -Life after death- Christadelphian perspective
‘The Christadelphians and their beliefs’ (part one)
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Knowing Yourself’
by Reverend Canon Richard Tutin,
General Secretary Queensland Churches Together
‘Christmas – Here we go again’
by Reverend Canon Richard Tutin,
General Secretary Queensland Churches Together
‘The Way to Happiness - An Anglican Perspective’
by Father Mark Carlyon,
Parish Priest, Anglican Parish of St James’ Toowoomba
‘Light the World’ by Steve Smith and Evelyn Ray,
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Toowoomba.
‘Judgement’ by John Agnew,
Chair of Uniting Church Presbytery of the Downs
‘The Way to Happiness - An LDS Perspective’ by Steve Smith,
a Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Toowoomba.
‘The Way to Happiness – A Christadelphian Perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘The Way to Happiness – A Uniting Church Perspective’
by Reverend Heather Griffin, Secretary of the Uniting Church
Queensland Synod Interfaith Relationships Committee (SIRC)
‘The Way to Happiness – A Catholic Perspective’
by Tom Duncan, Seminarian at Catholic Diocese of Toowoomba
‘Evangelical from the Christian Perspective’
by Nicole Rangiira, Catholic Diocese Toowoomba
‘The Role of Women in Christadelphian’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Forgiveness’ by Reverend Heather Griffin,
Secretary of the Uniting Church
Queensland Synod Interfaith Relationships Committee (SIRC)
‘Faith from a Christadelphian perspective’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Religious Influences and Impulses Impacting The Region – The Regional Experience’
by Father Constantine Osuchukwu, Chairman of the Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council,
Member of the Ballarat interfaith network
‘Terrorism and When will this End?’ by Jagdish Narayan
‘Religion – A Source of Strength in a Challenging World’
by John Agnew, Chair of Uniting Church Presbytery of the Downs
Christian Charity-What is it? by Mr Jagdish Narayan
Christian Attitudes and What that Means for us’
by John Agnew, Chair of Uniting Church Presbytery of the Downs
‘Basis for Interfaith Dialogue—Prospects and Challenges’
by The Revd Canon Richard Tutin,
General Secretary of Queensland Churches Together
‘Forging a Common Humanity through religious understanding and education’
by Dr Catrin H Williams, Reader in New Testament Studies,
University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter Campus
Forging Common Humanity through Understanding of Religion and Education
by Jagdish Narayan
Living together
by Reverend Jed Perkins, Minister Emeritus of Unitarian Church
Living Together in this Global Village - The Future & Challenges (Part Two)
by Bishop Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region,
Chair of Toowoomba Interfaith Working Group
Living Together in this Global Village - The Future & Challenges (Part One)
by Bishop Cameron Venables, Anglican Bishop for the Western Region,
Chair of Toowoomba Interfaith Working Group
‘Reflection on life of Christ’
A Christian Perspective by Jagdish Narayan
by Reverend Canon Richard Tutin,
General Secretary Queensland Churches Together
‘Promoting Interfaith Dialogue – A University Perspective’
by Professor Medwin Hughes,
Vice-Chancellor, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
‘Building Bonds of Humanity – A Faith Contribution’
by The Revd Canon Richard Tutin,
General Secretary of Queensland Churches Together, Australia
‘Remembrance and Hope’ by Reverend Penny Jones,
Associate Priest, The Anglican Parish of St Luke Toowoomba
‘Understanding Social Justice’
Kim Walmsley,
Director Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Programs, Kath Dickson Family Centre
Dr Mark Copland,
Executive Officer, Social Justice Commission, Catholic Diocese of Toowoomba
‘Understanding Social Justice’
by Father Ray Crowley, Toowoomba Diocese chaplain to schools
‘My Faith verses Political matters - A Christian Perspective’
by Jagdish Narayan
‘Religion and Humanity in Today’s World’ by Professor Medwin Hughes,
Vice-Chancellor, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
‘St. Francis and How Much Is Enough?’ by Reverend Penny Jones,
Associate Priest, The Anglican Parish of St Luke Toowoomba
‘Jihad of Jesus’ by The Reverend Dr Jonathan Inkpin,
Rector of The Anglican Parish of St Luke Toowoomba
‘Faith and Hope’ by John Agnew,
member of the Uniting Church
‘Working together for God’
by Reverend Canon Richard Tutin,
General Secretary Queensland Churches Together
Diets and Religion
A Christian Perspective by Jagdish Narayan
A Hindu Perspective by Sarwan Narayan
‘Mary the Mother of God’
by Reverend Penny Jones, Associate Priest,
The Anglican Parish of St Luke Toowoomba
Family Home Evening
by Garth and Joanne Pitman,
members of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A Christian Perspective on
‘What does it mean for a person of faith on social media?’
by Louise Ryan
Medicine and Religion
A Christian Perspective by Jagdish Narayan
A Hindu Perspective by Sarwan Narayan
‘Seven Principles’
by Margaret Briggs and Reverend Dorothy Woodside,
Minister of the Toowoomba Spiritualist Church
A Reflection about Hildegard of Bingen
by Reverend Penny Jones, Associate Priest,
The Anglican Parish of St Luke Toowoomba
‘Christian Virtues (Part Two)’
by Reverend Martin Yee, Lutheran Church in Singapore
‘Christian Virtues (Part One)’
by Reverend Martin Yee, Lutheran Church in Singapore
by John Agnew, member of the Uniting Church
‘Quaker Testimony to Simplicity’
by Anthony Arden and Simon Glen
Science and Religion
A Christian Perspective by Jagdish Narayan
A Hindu Perspective by Sarwan Narayan
‘Christian Mystic and Saint’
by The Rev’d Graham Warren, The Anglican Parish of St Luke Toowoomba
by John Agnew, member of the Uniting Church
‘The Golden Rule of Jesus Christ’
by Reverend Martin Yee, Lutheran Church in Singapore
‘Filial Piety (Part Two)’
by Reverend Martin Yee, Lutheran Church in Singapore
‘Filial Piety (Part One)’
by Reverend Martin Yee, Lutheran Church in Singapore
‘Personal Responsibility, Life and Death from a Spiritualist Perspective’
by Reverend Dorothy Woodside, Minister of the Toowoomba Spiritualist Church
‘What is Ecumenism?’ and ‘Refugees and Asylum Seekers and the Two Easters’
by Reverend Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary Queensland Churches Together
A Christian Perspective by Jagdish Narayan
A Hindu Perspective by Sarwan Narayan
‘Pefect Love’ by John Agnew, member of the Uniting Church
‘Role of women in Islam’ by Mukminah Abdul Razak
Opening Address by Sister Beryl Gleeson, St Anthony's Church
‘Our Identity as Women in Community’ by Mary Wagner
Tony Arden, Member of Quaker faith
Laraine May, Manager at the Lifeline Darling Downs’s Emporium bookshop
Heart to Heart – Interfaith Dialogue:
Ways of celebrating our common ground and valuing our differences
by Trish Sheely, Member of St Theresa’s Parish, Toowoomba
Opening Address
by Denis McAleer, a member of the Toowoomba Churches Together
The Road Ahead from Ecumenism to Interfaith: A Christian Perspective
by Father Franco Filipetto, Parish Priest at Warwick, and Dean of the Area
The Road Ahead from Ecumenism to Interfaith: A Community Perspective
by Sergeant Scott McGrath, Head of Crime Prevention Unit
‘The Gift of Faith’
by Bishop Cameron Venables, Bishop for the Western Region
‘The Common Ground of Care’
by Mrs Sharon Kirk, Presbytery Minister Uniting Church in Australia Downs Presbytery
‘Be a Model and Inspiration to All’
by The Revd Canon Richard Tutin, General Secretary of Queensland Churches Together
‘Inclusive Diversity, Inclusive Society’
by Pastor Ian Shelton, Chair, Christian Leaders’ Network
‘Inclusive Society’ by Barry Sheehan, Consultant and Psychologist
‘The Call to Change – The Vatican's Message’
by V. Rev. Brian Sparksman,
Episcopal Vicar for Ecumenism & Interfaith Dialogue, Catholic Diocese of Toowoomba
Christmas Music by Fay Jorgensen and Margaret Proellocks
from the Toowoomba Philharmonic Society
Festival: Christmas
‘What is Interfaith’ by Kathryn Sternes
‘Debunking myths, celebrating common ground and valuing difference in other religions’
by Trish Sheely
Interview with Reverend Jonathan Inkpin: 8 songs
Launch of the Toowoomba City Labyrinth at St. Luke's church
A sharing by participants on ‘Inclusive Diversity - Inclusive Society’ workshop
Introduction to Christianity – A Uniting Church Perspective by Reverend Andrew Gillies
Introducion and history of the Labyrinth
Family Home Evening
by Garth and Joanne Pitman, members of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Introduction to Christianity – A Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Perspective by Bishop John Rea and Vivienne Rea
Filial Piety by Venerable Wu Ping
Trust in relationship
Panel members
Maria O'Keefe, Elaine Coates and Simon Glen
Maria O'Keefe, Chief Operating Officer Human Services at Lifeline Darling Downs
Elaine Coates, Music Director in Women In Harmony Choir
Simon Glen, member of the Quaker faith
Interview with Reverend Natalie Adams: 5 songs
Festival: Eid by Kamariah Mohd
Compassion for the poor
Panel members – Reverend Penny Jones, Carmel Tulloch, and Sister Dedrie
A conversation on interfaith relation
with Reverend Jed Perkins, Reverend Dorothy Woodside and Muhammed Haniff
Reverend Jed Perkins represent the Unitarian,
Reverend Dorothy Woodside represent the Spiritualist,
and Muhammed Haniff represent the Muslims
Christian sacred music by Reverend Penny Jones
Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Muslim meditation using beads.
Introduction to Quaker by Tony Arden
Introduction to Christianity – A Catholic Perspective by Michael Hart
Festival: Pentecost by Michael Hart
Festival: Vesek by Venerable Wu Ping
Introduction to Christadelphians by Jagdish Narayan
Introduction to USQ Multifaith Centre by Evan Reichelt
Introduction to Christianity – An Anglican Perspective by Reverend Penny Jones
Introduction to Humanism by Dr Frank Hepple
Introduction to Aboriginal Spirituality by Kim Walmsley
Introduction to the program and Pure Land Learning College Association
Introduction to Buddhism by Venerable Wu Ping
Festival: Easter by Reverend Penny Jones and Reverend Jonathan Inkpin
Festival: Passover by Rabbi Don Levy